Source code for xmen.utils

"""A module containing several utilitity functions, classes and Meta Classes used by the ExperimentManager
and the Experiment classes."""
#  Copyright (C) 2019  Robert J Weston, Oxford Robotics Institute
#  xmen
#  email:
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#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program. If not, see <>.

import os
import inspect
import logging
DATE_FORMAT = "%y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%f"

[docs]def load_param(root, file='params.yml'): """Load parameters from a params.yml file.""" import ruamel.yaml with open(os.path.join(root, file), 'r') as params_yml: params = ruamel.yaml.load(params_yml, ruamel.yaml.RoundTripLoader) return params
[docs]def save_param(params, root, file='params.yml'): """Save a dictionary of parameters at ``{root}/params.yml`` Args: params (dict): A dictionary of parameters to be saved. Can also be a CommentedMap from ruamel.yaml root (str): The root of the experiment """ import ruamel.yaml with open(os.path.join(root, file), 'w') as out: yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML() yaml.dump(params, out)
[docs]def load_params(roots): """Load params.yml files into a list of dictionaries from a list of paths""" import ruamel.yaml from xmen.utils import commented_to_py out = [] for path in roots: with open(os.path.join(path, 'params.yml'), 'r') as params_yml: params = ruamel.yaml.load(params_yml, ruamel.yaml.RoundTripLoader) params = {k: commented_to_py(v) for k, v in params.items()} out.append(params) return out
[docs]class IncompatibleYmlException(Exception): pass
[docs]def flatten(d, parent_key='', sep='_'): """Flatten a nested dictionary to a single dictionary. The keys of nested entries will be joined using sep""" import collections items = [] for k, v in d.items(): new_key = parent_key + sep + k if parent_key else k if isinstance(v, collections.MutableMapping): items.extend(flatten(v, new_key, sep=sep).items()) else: items.append((new_key, v)) return dict(items)
def dic_to_json(dic): import json return json.dumps(dic) # Convert to yaml
[docs]def dic_to_yaml(dic, typ='rt', default_flow_style=False): """Convert dictionary to a yaml string (``dic`` can also be a CommentedMap)""" import ruamel.yaml from ruamel.yaml import StringIO stream = StringIO() ruamel.yaml.round_trip_dump(dic, stream) # yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ=typ) # yaml.default_flow_style = default_flow_style # yaml.dump(dic, stream) string = stream.getvalue() return string
[docs]def dic_from_yml(*, string=None, path=None): """Load from either a yaml string or path to a yaml file""" assert (string is None) != (path is None), 'One of string and path must be set' import ruamel.yaml yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML() try: if path is not None: with open(path, 'r') as file: params = yaml.load(file) else: params = ruamel.yaml.round_trip_load(string, preserve_quotes=True) except: raise IncompatibleYmlException return params
def recursive_print_lines(dic, helps=None, start=''): import collections from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedMap lines = [] dic = commented_to_py(dic) for k, v in dic.items(): if type(v) is dict or type(v) is collections.OrderedDict or type(v) is CommentedMap: lines += [f'{k}:'] lines += [' ' + start + l for l in recursive_print_lines(v)] elif v is not None: h = '' if helps is not None: h = helps.get(k, None) if h is not None: h = helps[k].split(":")[1].strip() else: h = '' if h != '': lines += [f'{start}{k}: {v} # {h}'] else: lines += [f'{start}{k}: {v}'] return lines class MultiOut(object): def __init__(self, *args): self.handles = args def write(self, s): for f in self.handles: f.write(s) def flush(self): for f in self.handles: f.flush()
[docs]def get_size(bytes, suffix="B"): """ Scale bytes to its proper format e.g: 1253656 => '1.20MB' 1253656678 => '1.17GB' """ factor = 1024 for unit in ["", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P"]: if bytes < factor: return f"{bytes:.2f}{unit}{suffix}" bytes /= factor
[docs]def get_meta(get_platform=False, get_cpu=False, get_memory=False, get_disk=False, get_slurm=False, get_conda=False, get_network=False, get_gpu=False, get_environ=False, live=False): """Get Meta information for the system""" import uuid import socket import getpass import os import platform meta = {'mac': hex(uuid.getnode()), 'host': socket.getfqdn(), 'user': getpass.getuser(), 'home': os.path.expanduser("~")} if get_platform: try: # system information uname = platform.uname() system = { 'system': uname.system, 'node': uname.node, 'release': uname.release, 'version': uname.version, 'machine': uname.machine, 'processor': uname.processor} meta.update({'system': system}) except: pass if get_cpu: try: import psutil cpufreq = psutil.cpu_freq() cpu = { 'physical': psutil.cpu_count(logical=False), 'total': psutil.cpu_count(logical=True), 'max_freq': f"{cpufreq.max:.2f}Mhz", 'min_freq': f"{cpufreq.min:.2f}Mhz", 'cur_freq': f"{cpufreq.current:.2f}Mhz"} if live: cpu.update({'usage': {str(i): f'{percentage}%' for i, percentage in enumerate(psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True, interval=1))}}) meta.update({'cpu': cpu}) except: pass if get_memory: try: import psutil svmem = psutil.virtual_memory() virtual = { 'total': f"{get_size(}", 'free': f"{get_size(svmem.available)}", 'used': f"{get_size(svmem.used)}", 'percentage': f"{svmem.percent}%"} swap = psutil.swap_memory() swap = { "total": f"{get_size(}", "free": f" {get_size(}", "used": f"{get_size(swap.used)}", "percentage": f"{swap.percent}"} meta.update({'virtual': virtual, 'swap': swap}) except: pass if get_disk: try: # Disk Information # get all disk partitions partitions = psutil.disk_partitions() disks = {} for partition in partitions: info = { 'mountpoint': partition.mountpoint, 'fstype': partition.fstype, } try: partition_usage = psutil.disk_usage(partition.mountpoint) info.update({ 'total': f"{get_size(}", 'used': f"{get_size(partition_usage.used)}", "free": f"{get_size(}", 'percent': f"{partition_usage.percent}%"}) except PermissionError: # this can be catched due to the disk that # isn't ready continue disks.update({partition.device: info}) # get IO statistics since boot disk_io = psutil.disk_io_counters() disks.update({ 'read': f"{get_size(disk_io.read_bytes)}", 'write': f"{get_size(disk_io.write_bytes)}"}) meta.update( {'disks': disks}) except: pass if get_network: try: if_addrs = psutil.net_if_addrs() network = {} for interface_name, interface_addresses in if_addrs.items(): interface = {} for address in interface_addresses: interface.update( {interface_name: { str('.')[-1]: { 'address': f"{address.address}", 'netmask': f"{address.netmask}", 'broadcast': f"{address.broadcast}"}}}) network.update(interface) net_io = psutil.net_io_counters() network.update({ 'sent': f"{get_size(net_io.bytes_sent)}", 'received': f"{get_size(net_io.bytes_recv)}"}) meta.update({'network': network}) except: pass if get_gpu: try: import GPUtil device = os.environ.get('CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES', None) if device is not None: if not isinstance(device, list): device = [device] device = [int(d) for d in device] gpus = {} for gpu in GPUtil.getGPUs(): count = 0 if in device: gpus.update({ str(count): { 'name':, 'id': f"{}", 'stats': f"{gpu.temperature}°C, {gpu.load*100}%, {gpu.memoryUsed}/{gpu.memoryTotal}MB", 'uuid': f"{gpu.uuid}"}}) count += 1 meta.update({'gpu': gpus}) except Exception as m: print(m) pass if get_slurm: try: import os import sys import subprocess id = os.environ.get('SLURM_JOB_ID') if id is not None: slurm = {'id': id} if get_slurm: out = ['/usr/bin/scontrol', 'show', 'jobid', str(id)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) variables = ' '.join(out.stdout.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding()).replace('\n', ' ').split()) for v in variables.split(' '): args = v.split('=') if len(args) == 2 and args[0] != '': slurm.update({args[0]: args[1]}) meta.update({'slurm': slurm}) except: pass if get_environ: meta.update({'environ': {k: v for k, v in os.environ.items()}}) try: if 'CONDA_EXE' in os.environ and get_conda: conda = [os.environ['CONDA_EXE'], 'env', 'export'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out = conda.stdout.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding()) from ruamel.yaml import YAML yaml = YAML(typ="safe") out = yaml.load(out) meta['conda'] = out except: pass return meta
[docs]def get_attribute_helps(cls): """Get all help files for class ``cls`` from doc strings from all inherited classes.""" helps = {} if cls is object: return helps else: atts = cls().__dict__.items() att_keys = [k for k, v in atts if k[0:2] != '__' and not hasattr(v, '__call__')] docs = [d for d in [cls.__doc__, cls.__init__.__doc__] if d is not None] for d in docs: if 'Parameters' in d: candidates = d.split('Parameters')[1].splitlines() candidates = [c.strip() for c in candidates] for a in att_keys: h = [s.strip() for s in candidates if s.startswith(a + ' ')] if len(h) > 1: # Be even more restrictive h = [s for s in h if ':' in s] if len(h) == 0: helps.update({a: None}) elif len(h) == 1: helps.update({a: h[0]}) else: raise ValueError('Multiple _helps found for attribute {}. Helps found: {}'.format(a, h)) else: helps.update(get_attribute_helps(cls.__base__)) return helps
[docs]def get_docs(cl): """Return all docs for every inherited class""" if cl is object: return [cl.__doc__] else: return [cl.__doc__] + get_docs(cl.__base__)
def get_parameters(lines, name): params = {} helps = [] for l in lines: # if l.startswith(indent * ' ' + 'self.') and 'self._' not in l: # All parameters will have a comment if not l.replace(' ', '').startswith('#') and '#@p' in l.replace(' ', ''): l = l.strip() # default always appears after = and before comment default = l.split('=')[1].split('#')[0].strip() if '=' in l else None # comment always appears after #@p comment = l.split('@p')[1].strip() if len(l.split('@p')) > 1 else None if comment == '': comment = None # New line l = l.split('#')[0] l = l.split('=')[0] ty = None if ':' in l: # self.a: int ... attr = l.split(':')[0].replace('self.', '').strip() ty = l.split(':')[1].strip() else: # self.a (already stripped) attr = l.replace('self.', '').strip() # Generate attribute lines help_string = f' {attr}' if ty is not None: help_string += f' ({ty}):' else: help_string += ':' if comment is not None: help_string += f' {comment.strip()}' if default is not None: help_string += f' (default={default})' # Log parameters params.update({attr.strip(' '): (default, ty, comment, help_string, name)}) helps += [help_string] return params, helps
[docs]class TypedMeta(type): """A meta class helper used to generate automatic doc strings generated from typed class definitions. This allows the docstrings to be defined inside the ``__init__`` body instead of inside the doc string iradicating the need to type attributes twice:: MyClass(metaclass=TypedMeta): '''This class is bound to do something...''' a int: 3 # @p My first attribute b int: 5 # @p My second attribute m = MyClass() print(m.__init.__.__doc__) Now if we call:: >>> ob = print(MyClass.__doc__) This class is bound to do something... Parameters: a (int) : My first attribute (default=3) b (int) : My second attribute (default=5) The doc string has automatically been updated. """ def __init__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict): super(TypedMeta, cls).__init__(name, bases, attr_dict) import copy # Add _params attribute to cls if it does # not already have one. if '_params' not in dir(cls): cls._params = {} else: # As each cls is inspected the parameters of each are # added to the base class. If multiple objects inherit # from the same base who's metaclass is TypedMeta then # parameters from one subclass will be available to # to another which is counter-intuitive. # To avoid this parameters are deep copied down the hierarchy # ensuring each class has a unique set of parameters. cls._params = copy.deepcopy(cls._params) # Parameters are inherited following the experiments inheritance # order. In order to make this work the inheritance of # _params no longer is the same as the first _params in # the method resolution order but will be a merge of # all the parameters encountered in all superclasses with # merging following the method resolution order instead for sup in reversed(cls.mro()): sup_params = getattr(sup, '_params', None) if sup_params is not None and sup is not cls: cls._params = {**cls._params, **copy.deepcopy(sup_params)} # It is possible for users to update the class attribute defaults # and type in subclasses which is not currently reflected # in the _param default values. To counter this # the current default and type are updated dynamically from the current # value of each in the current class. pops = [] for k in cls._params: try: val = getattr(cls, k) # Subclasses could override a parameter with a # new instance. In which cases they should be removed # from the parameters. These are added to pops and # removed after the loop if isinstance(val, property) or callable(val): pops.append(k) raise AttributeError except AttributeError: continue # Some work is needed to convert __annotations__ # into a nice printable string... ty = cls.__annotations__.get(k, cls._params[k][1]) if not isinstance(ty, str): string = getattr(ty, '__name__', None) if string is not None: string = str(string).replace('.typing', '') ty = string help = cls._params[k][2] helpstring = f' {k}{f" ({str(ty)})" if ty is not None else ""}: {help} (default={val})' # Update parameters cls._params[k] = (val, ty, help, helpstring, cls._params[k][-1]) # Remove parameters that have since been # overridden for p in pops: cls._params.pop(p) # Inspect the cls body for parameter definitions helps = [] try: cls_source = inspect.getsource(cls) except OSError: # If the cls has no source code than all of the above cannot be executed return if cls.__doc__ is not None: # Remove the doc string cls_source = cls_source.replace(cls.__doc__, "") lines = [l.strip() for l in cls_source.splitlines()] # Note any attribute which is private is not a # valid parameter candidate. candidates = [c for c, p in cls.__dict__.items() if not isinstance(p, property) and not c.startswith('_')] # This allows both parameters in the class body and in the # __init__ method to be treated the same. lines = [''.join(['self.', l]) for l in lines if any(l.startswith(c) for c in candidates)] # Add parameters from the __init__ method. # Note that in the case that an experiment inherits # from another it does not need to define an __init__ # method. It is therefore a waste of effort to re-look # up these parameters as all superclass __init__'s will # already have been inspected. To avoid this we check to # see if the cls defines a new __init__. This is done # by inspecting the cls.__dict__ attribute. if '__init__' in cls.__dict__: code = inspect.getsource(cls.__init__) lines += code.splitlines() for l in lines: # if l.startswith(indent * ' ' + 'self.') and 'self._' not in l: # All parameters will have a comment if not l.replace(' ', '').startswith('#') and '#@p' in l.replace(' ', ''): l = l.strip() # default always appears after = and before comment default = l.split('=')[1].split('#')[0].strip() if '=' in l else None # comment always appears after #@p comment = l.split('@p')[1].strip() if len(l.split('@p')) > 1 else None if comment == '': comment = None # New line l = l.split('#')[0] l = l.split('=')[0] ty = None if ':' in l: # self.a: int ... attr = l.split(':')[0].replace('self.', '').strip() ty = l.split(':')[1].strip() else: # self.a (already stripped) attr = l.replace('self.', '').strip() # Generate attribute lines help_string = f' {attr}' if ty is not None: help_string += f': {ty}' if default is not None: help_string += f'={default}' if comment is not None: help_string += f' ~ {comment.strip()}' # Log parameters cls._params.update({attr.strip(' '): (default, ty, comment, help_string, cls.__name__)}) helps += [help_string] if cls.__doc__ is None: cls.__doc__ = "" # Note this will always override new parameters as they are found. lines = [] for sup in reversed(cls.mro()): l = len(lines) for n, (_, _, _, h, c) in cls._params.items(): if c == sup.__name__ and not n.startswith('_'): lines += [' ' + h] if len(lines) - l > 0: lines.insert(l, ' ' + sup.__name__) if len(lines) > 0: cls.__doc__ += '\n\nParameters:\n' cls.__doc__ += '\n'.join(lines) def __iter__(self): """Iterating over the class simply returns itself once, None once and then ends. This allows functional experiments to be defined using the new signature:: Exp = functional_experiment(func) whilst also being backward compatible with the previous signatuew:: Exp, _ = functional_experiment(func) In the latter case ``_`` will be assigned the value of None. """ self.count = 0 return self def __next__(self): self.count += 1 if self.count == 1: return self elif self.count == 2: return None else: raise StopIteration
[docs]def get_git(path): """Get git information for the given path. Returns: (dict): Empty if status == False otherwise with keys: * remote: A url to the remote repository * hash: A git hash to the current commit status (bool): False if either git is not available, the repo is not in a git repository or if there are uncommited changes in the current repository. Otherwise true """ # Get the directory path which trigerred the call to get_git import git try: git_repo = git.Repo(path, search_parent_directories=True) except: # If something goes wrong we just assume that git is not available TODO(robw): Is there a better way?'Could not load git repo for path {path}') return {} info = { 'local': git_repo.git.rev_parse("--show-toplevel"), 'remote': git_repo.remotes.origin.url, 'commit': next(git_repo.iter_commits()).hexsha, 'branch':} return info
[docs]def get_version(*, path=None, cls=None, fn=None): """Get version information for either a path to a directory or a class. Git version information is loaded if available. Args: path (str): A path to a repository which is inspected for version information cls (Class): A Class object to be inspected for version information Returns: version (dict): A dictionary containing at least one of the following: * ``if path is not None:`` * ``'path'``: A copy of the path * ``if cls is not None:`` * ``'module'``: A path to the module in which the class was defined * ``'class'``: The name of the class * ``if git != {}``: (i.e if path or module is in a git repository): * ``'git_local'``: The root of the local git repository * ``'git_commit'``: The hash of the commit * ``'git_remote'``: The remote url if has remote else ``None`` """ if (path is None) == (cls is None) == (fn is None): raise ValueError('Exactly one of path or class must be set!') if cls is not None: # Note: inspecting cls.__init__ is compatible with ipython whilst inspecting cls directly is not module = os.path.realpath(inspect.getfile(cls)) path = os.path.dirname(module) version = {'module': cls.__module__, 'class': cls.__name__, 'path': path} elif fn is not None: import importlib mod, name = fn path = importlib.import_module(mod).__file__ version = {'module': mod, 'function': name, 'path': path} else: version = {'path': path} git = get_git(path) # Try and get git information if git != {}: version.update({'git': git}) return version
def commented_to_py(x, seq=tuple): from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedSeq, CommentedMap if type(x) is CommentedMap: return {k: commented_to_py(v) for k, v in x.items()} if type(x) is CommentedSeq: return seq(commented_to_py(v) for v in x) else: return x
[docs]def get_run_script(module, name, shell='/usr/bin/env python3', comment='#'): """Generate a run script for a particular experiment. Args: module (str): the module to look in name (str): the name of the experiment in the module. If name corresponds to a function it will be converted to an Experiment class """ import sys import xmen import datetime import importlib sh = [f'#!{shell}'] mod = importlib.import_module(module) X = getattr(mod, name) if type(X) is not xmen.utils.TypedMeta: from xmen.functional import functional_experiment X, _ = functional_experiment(X) version = xmen.utils.get_version(path=mod.__file__) else: version = xmen.utils.get_version(cls=X.__class__) sh += [f'# File generated on the {"%I:%M%p %B %d, %Y")}'] if 'git' in version: sh += [f'{comment} GIT:'] sh += [f'{comment} - repo {version["git"]["local"]}'] sh += [f'{comment} - branch {version["git"]["branch"]}'] sh += [f'{comment} - remote {version["git"]["remote"]}'] sh += [f'{comment} - commit {version["git"]["commit"]}'] sh += [''] possible_roots = sorted([p for p in sys.path if p in version.get('module', version.get('path'))]) root = None if len(possible_roots) > 0: root = possible_roots[0] sh += ['import sys'] sh += ['import importlib'] sh += ['import xmen'] if root is not None: sh += [f'sys.path.append("{root}")'] sh += ['import logging'] sh += ['logger = logging.getLogger()'] sh += ['logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)'] sh += [''] sh += [f'mod = importlib.import_module("{module}")'] sh += [f'X = getattr(mod, "{name}")'] sh += ['if type(X) is not xmen.utils.TypedMeta:'] sh += [' from xmen.functional import functional_experiment'] sh += [' X = functional_experiment(X)'] sh += ['X().main()'] return '\n'.join(sh)
[docs]def dics_to_pandas(dics, reg): """Convert a list of nested dictionaries into a pandas data frame keeping only keys that match reg (after flattening)""" import re frames = [] import pandas as pd from xmen.utils import flatten for dic in dics: dic = flatten(dic) dic = {k: v for k, v in dic.items() if re.match(reg, k)} dic = {k: [v] for k, v in dic.items()} frames.append(pd.DataFrame(dic)) return pd.concat(frames, axis=0, sort=False, ignore_index=True)
if __name__ == '__main__': from xmen.experiment import Experiment class TestExperiment(Experiment): n_epochs: int = 10 # @p Some help n_steps: int = 1 # @p Some other help nn_c0: int = 8 # @p Another piece of help exp = TestExperiment() print(exp)